What does the title mean, you ask? Well, It means that I have finished my course in IGIDR, Mumbai and have come home to Bangalore and will be working here. It also means that I had been writing my thesis in LaTeX and sitting long hours in front of the computer has done some damage to my already modest literary skills and that explains the unimaginative title.
But this post is more about leaving Mumbai than about coming to Bangalore. That is not to say that I am not excited about being back in Bangy! I am absolutely delighted to be here! However, it is only now that I have begun to realise how much I will miss IGIDR and Mumbai.
Two years ago, around this time, I was wrtiting the IGIDR entrance exam and was very anxious to clear it. After attending the interview a little more than a month later (7th of July, 2004), I fell in love with the institute and would have given anything to be given a chance to study in IGIDR. Looking back now, at all that I have learnt in the two years that I was in the institute, I feel extremely fortunate for the opportunity I was granted. In terms of academics, all the Economics that I know (which isn't very much) is what I have learnt here. I owe a lot to my professors but shall not attempt to express my gratitude towards them on this blog- I will not be able to convey all that I feel. There is more that I have gained from this experience apart from some knowledge of Economics, a degree and a job. To be honest, I did not feel this way about the place from the beginning. I was depressed, lonely and cynical for nearly three out of four semesters. The fourth semester has proved to be an eye-opener.
I realised how much I enjoy the company of my friends here and how important they are to me. There was the usual pressure of assignments and tests this time too but somehow, it did not seem half as taxing as it did in the earlier semesters. If I have to sum it all up, it began to seem like this was just the right thing to happen. It is as if I had to go though it all - the pressure, the loneliness, the frustration, the thrills, the highs, the laughter, the feeling of belonging...since I got to learn a hell of a lot from all these experiences. Two years in IGIDR has proved to be enriching in many ways and for that, I have to thank my friends! Thank you for being the wonderful people you are! I shall treasure the memories of the time we spent together!
P.S: A thousand apologies for the hackneyed cliché but I really do mean it!